Index of servers by most active servers (27 until refresh):

- The Grid | discord #pickup | Fort | NJ Stats - - (13/24)
Players: Nivek.POT,, Grimm, sythe, wind, lava, cookie, King Theoden, drippo, Sanity, #1 Karina Fan, gamer god morb, Gazelle

Mud Puddle
- (2/32)
Players: Lowly Worm, GetThatCamperTj

The Legendary Xone Clan HRS Server Version 2.0
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

The CLASSIC Submarine
- (0/10)
Players: Empty

- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Parabind | Rated 1v1 | HK1
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Ladle 164 (Deso's NY)
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

LS's Love Shack
- (0/12)
Players: Empty

Guru3's Server
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | SBT | DC -
- (0/14)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | Fort | Deli's EU -
- (0/18)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | Fort | DC -
- (0/18)
Players: Empty

- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Das Sumobar
- (0/10)
Players: Empty

.dBd|High Rubber
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Unnamed Server
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

XiRLord's Energy Struggle
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | SBT | Deli's EU -
- (0/14)
Players: Empty

Hunt the Wabbit - by: Durf
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | TST | DC -
- (0/14)
Players: Empty

Ladle 164 (Delinquent's DC) STATS DISABLED
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | TST | Deli's EU -
- (0/14)
Players: Empty

- The Grid | discord #pickup | TST | NJ Stats -
- (0/24)
Players: Empty

::TronSocial:: SPAR|BAR| [lounge] (
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Retrocycles Snake | Highscores | #1
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

::TronSocial:: |SUMOBAR| (Join the Discord! -->
- (0/20)
Players: Empty

TST 32 (delinquent DC)
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

::TronSocial:: |SUMOBAR| (
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

The CLASSIC Submarine US
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Agility's Sumo-Two
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Tron Trek
- (0/10)
Players: Empty

Auto-Accel Racing v5-BETA Queue | Ranks Illinois
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

WST 30 (Delinquent's UK)
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Bad Idea Club
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Hexagon Sumo
- (0/12)
Players: Empty

- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Kelium95 Armagetron AD Server
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Capture the Flag Shooting [WA]
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Ladle 140+ (vov's Backup EU) (no stats)
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Chaos Sumo
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Ladle 164 (Delinquent's EU) STATS DISABLED
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Crazy Tronners Wild Fortress EU 2
- (0/14)
Players: Empty

Light's Single Bind Deathmatch
- (0/12)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Delinquent's DC)
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Norms Place
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Delinquent's UK)
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Parabind | Rated 1v1 | HK2
- (0/16)
Armagetron Advanced: Click here to enter the server
Players: Empty
Version: 0.2.9-sty+ct+ap.2_alpha_z1 unix dedicated

Dalryo (1v1) (Player 1's Server)
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Rx ~ Loose Insomnia Clan Dogfight Ohio USA ~ Rx
- (0/12)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER CO 1)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

Sumo Bar Tournament (Delinquent's DC)
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER CO 2)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

The Bending Universe
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER CO 3)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

The CLASSIC Submarine 51
- (0/10)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER NC 1)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

The CURSED Sumobar
- (0/32)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER NC 2)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

The Underwater Refuge
- (0/10)
Players: Empty

Dalryo (1v1) (Z-Man's Server GER NC 3)
- (0/8)
Players: Empty

Tunnel Trouble (102 maps) - by: Durf
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- (0/7)
Players: Empty

Einherjer Europe []
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

WST 4v4 (vov's Map Test - Germany)
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

Fort but it's all bots
- (0/16)
Players: Empty

- (0/20)
Players: Empty